Breast milk does provide benefits that can not be replaced with any replacement food, but most babies fed on formula milk to grow healthy enough at least in developed countries like the United States. After age 6 months, babies do need to get complementary feeding Breast Milk .Because increasing age, the nutritional needs of children is increasing. Nutritional needs from breast milk is not enough alone, but must also be obtained from the first solid food, such as fruit and milk porridge, which is necessary for the baby in the process of introduction of complementary foods.
Complementary foods or can be called complementary feeding is food given to infants in addition to breast milk, where the type and character of the food to the age of the baby. Complementary feeding is the food or drinks that contain nutrients given to infants / children to meet their nutritional needs. Similarly, some of the some sense complementary feeding. Complementary feeding is a transition process from intake to infants who initially only milk (breast milk / milk) to the semi-solid foods.
In terms of fulfillment of breast-milk substitutes are also needed particular skills are oral motor skills. This oral-motor skills developed from sucking reflex to swallow reflex is not shaped liquid by moving the food from the front of the tongue to the back of the tongue, and so on into the digestive tract.
Along with the increasing age of the baby it will be also increased nutritional needs. When a baby has entered the age of 6 months upwards, some of the elements and nutrients as well as nutrients such as carbohydrates, protein and some vitamins and minerals contained in breast milk or formula milk is no longer sufficient. For that reason, at the age of 6 months with the baby we introduce complementary feeding. Breast-milk substitutes will further meet the nutritional needs of the baby and also nutrition.
Introduction as well as the method of giving complementary feeding should be done gradually both in terms of shape and number. This is of course adapted to the baby's digestive capacity / child. Provision of adequate breast-milk substitutes in terms of quality and quantity is also very important in supporting the process of physical growth and intellectual development of children is also increasing rapidly in those periods.
For that there are some feeding tips breast milk substitutes are:
- Give exclusive breastfeeding from birth to age 6 months. For the next 6 months after we then add complementary feeding (breast milk substitute food), while still breastfeeding should be continued continued.
- Continue breastfeeding until dengam children aged 2 years or more.
- Apply hygienic behavior dah hygiene and food handling is good and right to the child.
- Start feeding breastmilk substitutes at the age of 6 months with a small amount and then gradually increased with age babies, while human milk is often given. Eg in infants aged 6-8 months to start rice team and will be better when screened beforehand to make it easier to swallow and does not complicate or aggravate indigestion.
- Gradually, the density and variety plus baby needs and abilities, especially in terms of chewing food.
- Frequency in terms of feeding breast milk substitutes is increasingly often go hand in hand with age infants.
- Provide a varied diet that is certainly rich in nutrients to further ensure that all nutritional needs are met.
- Use breast-milk substitutes are fortified with vitamins and minerals, or vitamins and minerals provide if necessary.
So had a little friend on complementary feeding and may be useful as well as beneficial friends
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