Women are often mutually couple also not a stranger anymore, especially in western countries. But beware, these women did have more bacteria in the vagina manifold. .
Researchers from the University of California Berkeley found the influence of promiscuity associated with female reproductive system. .
By comparing the behavior of two species of mice, experts point out that the sexual habits affect the diversity of bacteria that are owned and diversity of genes that control the immune system. .
The research published the journal PLoS One this see the difference of bacteria in deer mice that tend to have multiple partners with California mice that only had one sexual partner or monogamous. Researchers found that mice lifestyle has a direct impact on the bacteria in the reproductive tract. .
Deer mice who like to have multiple sexual partners were found to have bacterial 2-fold more diverse than the monogamous California mice. Because there are so many bacteria that cause infections, deer mice using bacterial diversity is to face the risk of disease. .
The scientists also found that bacteria change from generation to generation has been added in the deer mouse genes. The diversity of these bacteria favor genes that affect the immune system of mice to combat sexually transmitted diseases. .
"The mice that often change partners more often associated with rats exposed to many bacteria. They require the immune system to fend off all the more powerful invading bacteria," said the researchers, as reported by Matthew MacManes Counsel and Heal, Monday (10/9 / 2012). .
MacManes explained, monogamy itself is a very rare trait among mammals, which is only 5 percent of mammal species on earth did it. During the process of evolution, mammals constantly adapt to the changing physical and social environment. .
Female deer mice appears to adopt the habit of changing partners to improve the chances of survival and strengthening the immune system of the offspring disease threats. But in humans, the same can not necessarily be applied. .
People are more susceptible to harmful bacterial infections than mice. Another study published the American Journal of Human Genetics says that humans are more susceptible to cancer and cell mutations than other species. .
According to Scientific American, more than 1000 species of bacteria living together in the human body. Bacterial cells in the human body outnumber human cells 10 to 1 ratio.
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